I am an Astrophysics PhD graduate from the University of Surrey.

I am strongly passionate about making Physics accessible for everyone. I have years of experience in designing and delivering outreach workshops to a wide range of audience. Please feel free to contact me for more information.

  • Stellar populations
  • The Magellanic Clouds
  • Ultra-faint dwarf galaxies
  • Low surface brightness regime
  • PhD in Astrophysics, 2020 - 2024

    University of Surrey

  • MPhys Physics with Astronomy, 2016 - 2020

    University of Surrey

Research Projects

Automatised search for low surface brightness galaxies
During my 2 month stay at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, I developed a pipeline to automatically search for and measure low surface brightness galaxies in the Stripe82 SDSS survey images.
Satellite galaxies of the Magellanic Clouds with DELVE
I am leading an automatised search for stellar overdensities within the DELVE-MC catalogue, which covers the entire Magellanic Clouds and their peripheries. This could result in the discovery of new ultra-faint dwarf galaxies or star clusters.
Star Formation History of the Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy
I am working on the star formation history of the Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy using photometric data from the SMASH survey (Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History).

Publication highlights

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(2022). The synchronized dance of the magellanic clouds' star formation history. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 513, Issue 1, pp.L40-L45.

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Research experience

Astrophysics PhD
University of Surrey
October 2020 – June 2024 Guildford, United Kingdom

Research lines:

  • Structure and evolution of the Small Magellanic Cloud Galaxy
Pre-doctoral Researcher
Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands
July 2020 – September 2020 Tenerife, Spain

Research lines:

  • Automatic detection of low surface brightness galaxies
Masters Researcher
Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands
January 2020 – March 2019 Tenerife, Spain

Research lines:

  • Abundance spectroscopy of planetary nebulae.


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